Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

The Solar System

Sun is a star that too much is not different from other stars in the universe. Its form like the same ball like other stars with the radius around 1,392,000 kilometres and has the very high temperature. It have mass about 1,900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg. Its distance is 149,597,980 km from the Earth or 1 AU (Astronomical Unit). Sun is in the class spectrum the star G that is the star is yellow that have the effective temperature about 6000 K. In its centre happens the process of the very horrifying nuclear explosion. That is the burning of four Hydrogen atoms become one core of the Helium atom. So as the temperature in its centre reached 15.000.000 K. In the exterior of the appearance Sun like disc is golden that is acknowledged as the Photosphere.
Is based on the data that is received it is estimated the Sun is 5 billion years old and will change to the giant's red star 5 billion following years.

Was based on the decision that was agreed to International Astronomical Union (IAU) last August 2006 was appointed that the planet is the celestial object that orbit around the Sun, have the mass that is enough so as the style of its gravitation can maintain its form as the almost round solid, as well as have the clean orbit in a sense do not cut or the overlap with the orbit of the other planet. In our Solar System that including the group of the planets are based on this definition are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Mercury is the closest planet with the sun with the semi-major axis 0,387 AU or 57,909,175 km from the Sun. In its circulation surrounded the sun, Mercury needs time for 87,97 days with the period of the rotation 58,65 days. This planet has mass 3.3 x 1023 kg and diameter 4879.4 km. Imagined, because of its distance that very close with the sun, the temperature in the surface of this planet really extreme. During the day the temperature in the surface of this planet achieved 400 degree celcius (is hot enough to melt solid zinc) and -150 degree celcius tonight. The surface of Mercury is not as smooth as the planet earth. The surface of this planet is filled with the craters that are estimated because the collision of the meteor or asteroids resulting from the nonexistence of the atmosphere that covered this planet. Its surface materials consist of basaltic and anorthositic rocks and regolith.

Venus is the second planet closest with the sun after the planet mercury. Its semi-major axis is 0,723 AU or 108.208.930 km. Its diameter 12104 km with mass 4.87 x 1024 kg.This planet has the period of rotation 243,02 days (that a direction with the hour needle that is from the east to the west) that is significantly older than time that is needed to complete one round of its orbit over the sun (224,7 days).The content of the atmosphere in this planet most are carbondioxide (97%) and the rest of them nitrogen (its atmosphere is very thick). So as very impossible to believe in the existence of the life in this planet. Moreover, because of the amount of carbondioxide that is contained in its atmosphere cause the occurrence of the incident greenhouse effect. Although in covered with CO2, the experts astrobiology estimate the existence termobactery certain that still can be holding the life there.

The Earth is the only planet in the Solar System that inside is gotten by the life. Its mass around 5,980,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg with the diameter of the ball 12756 km. The density of the the Earth is the same as the density of Venus around 5,52 g/cm3. Time that is needed Earth to complete one round of its orbit over the Sun for 365,25 days. With the period of rotation about 23,93 hours. The compiler's component of the Earth atmosphere consist of 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen and 1% Argon. Although having many similarities with Venus, but the temperature of the Earth surface not is as hot in the Venus surface. The temperature in the Earth surface in general 287 K. The Earth have a satellite that have a name the Moon.

The planet that often is acknowledged as red planet have the radius twice the radius of the Moon, that is as big as 3393 km and its mass 642,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg. With the density 3,8 g/cm3, smaller than the Earth’s density. The average distance of Mars from the Sun to 227,936,640 km with eccentricity of the orbit 0,093. Its rotation period and its orbital period are 1,026 days and 687 days (1,9 years) respectively. In broad outline, the surface part of the Mars, is divided into two, namely the southern part that is the area of the plateau that is full of the crater and indentations as well as the northern part that most consist of the plain that is full of the volcano that go out. The biggest crater that was found in this planet had diameter about 1800 km with the depth 6 km and was given a name Hellas. If in Earth is gotten the Everest mountain that is the highest mountain in Earth, evidently in the Mars planet also is gotten Volcano Mount that is highest in the Solar System that is given by the name “Olympus Mons” that have the height 24 km on the surface of the planet. The composition of the atmosphere of the Mars of the compiler's gas consisted of 95,3% CO2, 2,7% Nitrogen, 1.6%Argon, and other gas like Oxygen, carbon monoxide and steam. Mars have two satellites that are named Phobos and Deimos that are their respective have the period of the rotation and the period of the same revolution, so as the two satellites will always show the side that is same in its rotation surrounded the Mars.

Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System. Its radius around 71500 km or around 11 Earth radius times with the mass around 1,900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg. And its density 1,33 g/cm3, smaller than the Earth density. This is caused because of the compiler's material of this planet is dominated by light elements, those are Hydrogen and Helium. The average distance of this planet is 778,412,020 km (the eccentricity of the orbit 0,048) from the Sun and needs time 11,86 years to complete one round of its orbit over the Sun. The period of the rotation of this planet is very fast, only 9,8 hours. This matter is caused because of the compiler's composition Jupiter that most consisted of light elements and caused his form to become rather flat. With the radius comparison in the pole and in the equator was 1/15. In the surface of this planet is gotten a spot that apparently have the shape of oval and coloured reddish, that is named the Great Red Spot. This spot in fact is the area of the very big collection of the storm cloud. Its size as big as 420,000,000 km2.The compiler's composition of the Jupiter atmosphere consisted of 90% H2, 9% Helium, 0,07% CH4, 0,02% NH3, and other gas that the amount very few. This planet is also famous in a fourth manner his satellite that is given by the name of the Galileo satellite (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto), because that found the four of them was Galileo. Apart from the four satellites, Jupiter is still having 12 satellites more, that is Amalthea, Sinope, Pasiphae, Carme, Thebe, Leda, Himalia, Adrasthea, Elara, Lysithea, Metis, and Ananke.

Saturn is the second biggest planet in the Solar System after Jupiter. Its diameter around 120660 km, its mass 569,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg and its density 0,705 g/cm3. Look at its density that is very small, make Saturn can be floating on the surface of water. The compiler's composition of this planet same like Jupiter that is dominated by light elements like Helium and Hydrogen. As a result the rotation of this planet become very fast (10,2 hours, fastest in the Solar System) and make this planet flat in its two poles. The compiler's composition of the Saturn atmosphere consist of 97% Hydrogen, 3% Helium, and Methane. The planet that be at a distance 1,426,725,400 km (with eccentricity of the orbit 0,056) from the Sun have the sidereal period 29,46 years. For quite a long time because of its distance that very far with the Sun. In Saturn also is gotten the great spot like available in Jupiter, that is the Great White Spot. This Great White Spot in fact is the storm cloud that its form is similar like the cloud cirrus available in the Earth atmosphere. In this spot is estimated the process of the crystallisation of ammonia happen. That is most interesting from this planet is rings that travel around it. That is located around 60330 km. These rings consist of thousands of rings that are made from particles that the size its bigger than particles that compiled Jupiter rings. These particles are measuring ice chunks 5 mm up to 5 m. It is wide that the ring reach 234000 km and its thickness only some hundred kilometres then. Like Jupiter, Saturn also has many satellites that accompany it. The satellite that is owned Saturn numbering 18 satellites, they are Pan, Rhea, Iapetus, Dione, Thetys, Mimas, Enceladus, Hyperion, Phoebe, Janus, Epimetheus, Atlas, Prometheus, Pandora, Telesto, Titan, Calypso, and Helena.

The planet that have diameter 51118 km is in the distance 2,870,972,200 km (with eccentricity of orbit 0,77) so as to needs time 84 years to complete one round of its orbit. The period of its rotation only 17,9 hours (retrograde). This planet have the mass 86,800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg and its density is 1,29 g/cm3. The compiler's components of the atmosphere of this planet including 83% Hydrogen, 15% Helium, and 2% Methane. Uranus also have the ring as in the case of Jupiter and Saturn. However, particles of the compiler of this rings are very thin and dark that consisted of stone chunks or material carbon. Uranus had 17 satellites that accompanied it they are Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon, Cordelia, Ophelia, Bianca, Cressida, Desdemona, Juliet, Portia, Rosalind, Belinda, Puck, S/1997 U1, and S/1997 U2.

Neptune have the mass around 102,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg or around 17 times more massive of the Earth. Its diameter is 49528 km with the density 1,64 g/cm3. Because of its distance that very far with the Sun that is around 4,498,252,900 km (eccentricity 0,009), this planet needs time around 164,8 years to complete one round of its orbit. The compiler's component of his atmosphere consisted of 74% Hydrogen, 25% Helium, and 1% Methane. Around this planet also is gotten the very thin ring. Neptune have 8 satellites those are Triton, Nereid, Naiad, Thalassa, Despina, Galatea, Larissa, and Proteus.

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